Christmas Day Worship Service

December 25, 2017

And the angel said to them, “Be not afraid, for behold I bring you good news of a great joy which will come to all the people, for to you is born this day in the city of David, a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.  Luke 2: 10-11


Worship Leader: Rudy Franz

Song Leader: Walter Dyck

Pianist: Riley Dyck


Call to Worship


Worship in Song

Lighting of the Advent Candles and the Christ Candle

Prayer Time

Reading – The Hornbill – Kathy Franz

Worship in Song

Scripture Reading – Luke 2: 1 – 20

Message – “The Good News of Christmas” – Pastor Rudy

Closing Song


Der Friedensfuerst


Prayer & Praise


~ Welcome to our Christmas Day Worship service. The One whose birth was foretold from long ago has come to dwell among us.  We rejoice with the angels, the shepherds and the wise men that the one whose first cradle was a manger, would become our Saviour and Redeemer.  Thanks be to God for this expression of love for a world so often bent on going its own way.  May the babe in the manger find a home in each of our hearts and lives this Christmas season and always.


~ Christmas Prayer: Eternal God, ruler of all worlds, Your glory is revealed in vastness and in power, yet Your greatest name is Love.  This is the time we remember Your gentleness, hidden in a mothers’ hope.  This is the time we believe again that love is stronger than fear, that peace is stronger that hate, that darkness will never conquer the light. In this season of God-with-us, we offer our gift of gratitude and we make bold to believe that we are graced with Your presence, for we are gathered in the name of Emmanuel, God-with-us.  Amen.  


Christmas Litany

Leader: O Christ, Light of the world, come to our lives and reveal meaning and truth.

People: O Christ, hope of the despairing, come to our lives and teach us simple joy.

Leader: Jesus the Christ, Bread of the Soul, come to us and nourish us to true and eternal life.

People: Jesus the Christ, Shepherd of the flock, come and lead us to the springs of Living Water.

Leader: Living Christ, just and gentle judge, come and reveal us to ourselves.

People: Living Christ, healer of the wounded, come and make us whole.  Show us the way to new life.

All: Jesus the Christ, our Life, we celebrate Your birth today.  May our celebration be more than mere remembrance; may our worship be on opening of ourselves to You, in Spirit and in Truth.  Be born in us today, renew our Spirits and strengthen us to be Your people in the world, through the indwelling power of Your Holy Spirit.  Amen.